Right Side Up: Danielle Strickland
Right Side Up Podcast with Danielle Strickland
WISDOM For Now: A Conversation Fusing Emotional Support with Spiritual Practise

WISDOM For Now: A Conversation Fusing Emotional Support with Spiritual Practise

S05 E05 Please meet my awesome friend Barb. She infuses deep spirituality with practical emotional tools that are sooo helpful for right now. Barb is on my list of people to call and connect with when I need some insights, spiritual support, emotional advice OR just a chat, a latte, and some prayer. 
Every time we have a chat about wholeness and the connection between our bodies, spirit and soul, and how that effects our everyday lives I always WISH I had of recorded it - so, I could remember it the way she explained it and so I could share it with others because it's always so insightful and wise. 
Well, in this season of crisis and change I FINALLY did. 

This chat between us talks about 3 WISE things you can practise right now that will HELP you daily and 1 amazing theology and practise for leaders to embrace right now as they minister to others. Hope it's helpful friends! 

Right Side Up: Danielle Strickland
Right Side Up Podcast with Danielle Strickland
welcome. I'm hoping it's here you will find subversive ideas, disruptive thoughts, experience and hope, some spiritual depth and genuine questions... this is a way of one beggar telling another beggar where to find some bread. I'm glad you are here.