
The amazing Beth Allison Barr joins us to share her contribution towards Need To Know: the historical prevalence of women leading in the church. We discuss her journey as a historian and a woman in the church herself, including the strong pushback she receives. You’ll hear some personal narratives that shape these discussions, as well as the challenges faced by those who speak out against patriarchal structures. We review the importance of allies in advocating for an end to women's subjugation within Christianity, and emphasize the need for male leaders to listen to and support women in ministry.

Show Notes

Link to order the book: Need to Know: Empowering Female Leadership and Why It’s Essential for the Future of the Church


Biblical Womanhood, Empowerment, Church Leadership, Allies, Personal Narratives, Future of the Church, Male Leaders, Women in Ministry, Patriarchy


  • Beth Allison Barr's books address the subjugation of women in the church.

  • Personal narratives are crucial for understanding the impact of church teachings.

  • Speaking up for women often comes with significant personal costs.

  • Allies play a vital role in supporting women's empowerment in the church.

  • The church's future depends on the inclusion of women's voices.

  • Men in leadership should listen to women's experiences and concerns.

  • Women have historically played significant roles in church leadership.

  • The narrative of women's subjugation is deeply rooted in church history.

  • There is hope for a transformative future in the church.

Sound Bites

  • "The subjugation of women became gospel."

  • "The devil hates women, and he should."


00:00 Introduction and Book Discussion

10:03 Writing the Book and Facing Reactions

19:22 What Male Leaders Need To Do

27:13 Awakening in Men: Moving Beyond Defense

31:59 Marriage and Ministry: Challenging the Narrative

42:36 Exposing Patriarchal Power Dynamics in the Church